The main goals of Volunteers' Centre of Vojvodina (VCV) include raising the level of consciousness about voluntarism and waking up altruistic thoughts in young people. VCV is working on this through different voluntary activities related to prejudice breaking, such as raising the level of tolerance between different ethnicities in Vojvodina (region in Serbia), providing more opportunities for cooperation to people with different ethnic and religious backgrounds, and including young persons with fewer opportunities.

The main activities of VCV are international voluntary projects in small local societies, short term and long term voluntary exchanges on a regional and international level, awareness raising campaigns related to environmental problems and the education of other organizations and school youth in issues related to voluntarism. VCV is the Serbian branch of Service Civil International (SCI). VCV is member of National Association of Youth Workers (Serbia) and it is accredited youth organization for the implementation of youth work quality standards in Serbia. Field of expertise of VCV include development of voluntary service and inter-cultural work.

For the period of the project, the volunteer will be doing his/her service in our organization. The volunteer will work on scheduled environmental projects that will take place locally and regionally. From 2014. VCV joined the global SCI campaign “Create Climate for Peace” and the volunteer will mostly support the activities related to the campaign. The aims of this project is raising awareness about climate change and climate justice, permaculture, peace and social inclusion.

This will involve work with local volunteers and activists and contribute to the awareness raising of recognised environmental issues and the promotion of concrete solutions for overcoming these. The volunteer will have the possibility to engage in these areas of work and to contribute to positive changes in Serbia. He/she will also have the freedom and the opportunity to propose and start new initiatives with the support of volunteers engaged in VCV. During the summer, the activities will broaden, and volunteer will have a chance to participate at the “Create Climate for Peace” workcamps organized in Serbia. The volunteer will be encouraged to lead some of the workcamps. These general terms contain all diversity of events, projects and ideas. Thanks to this, volunteer will find space for her own creativity, initiative, and interests, which are always welcome and supported.

She/he will be supporting VCV in following activities:

  • Preparation, promotion and realization of workshops within Create Climate for Peace campaign
  • Preparation, promotion and realization of small guerrilla and street actions in Novi Sad
  • Supporting in organising and promoting of Create Climate for Peace workcamps
  • Developing new projects and activities related to Climate Changes and Climate Justice

Volunteers should be sharing values of the organisation:
volunteering, solidarity, tolerance, equality, peace and nonviolence and respect for environment

Volunteer should be:
- Interested in the topics like: climate change and climate justice
- open-minded, adaptable and ready to adjust to a different culture
- self-reliant and capable of improvisation when needed
- patient, flexible and able to work in an international team
- willing to learn about other cultures and lifestyles
- committed to sharing your knowledge and skills
Experience in the NGO sector and/or youth work is an advantage. Good knowledge of English.

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